Group Rules

  • SARM 1: Constitution
  • SARM 2: Rules and Regulations of The SARM Group
    • Appendix 1: New member declaration form
    • Appendix 2: Check flight procedure
    • Appendix 3: New member Instructor sign off
  • SARM 3: Booking Rules
  • SARM 4: Operational Information
  • SARM 5: Flight Log Sheets
  • SARM 6: Engine Oil Checking and Start Procedure
  • SARM 7: Refuelling Procedures
  • SARM 8: CJIT Flying Slots at Popham Airfield
  • SARM 9: Tow-bar and Winch Operating Procedures
  • SARM 10: Electronic Conspicuity Devices Operating Procedures
  • SARM 11: The SARM Group - Personal Data Management Notice

SARM 1 Constitution of The SARM Group

​1. Name

The SARM Group (Group) is a syndicate of up to twenty members each member having an equal share in the assets of the Group.

​2. Objective of the Group

The objective of the Group is to provide safe and economical flying of the Group’s Aircraft in accordance with all current legal obligations for all paid up members of the Group.

​3. Membership

​​1. A person of not less than eighteen years of age may become a Member (Member) of the Group in accordance with SARM 2 Rules and Regulations of the Sarm Group (Rules and Regulations)
​2. Each share held by a Member shall entitle that Member to one full vote in matters concerning the Group with the Chairman having an additional casting vote. Each Member is entitled to purchase up to four shares.

3. All Members shall have equal rights in the use of the aircraft subject to the Operational Regulations currently in force and indicated in the Group’s website.
​4. All Members are obliged to comply with the Rules and Regulations at all times.

​4. Administration

1.The Group shall be administered by an elected Committee consisting of a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Technical Officer. In the absence of sufficient numbers of candidates being proposed, the roles may be combined.

​2.The Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting if required.

​5. Duties of Officers

The following is an overview of duties of the Officers of the Group but should not be considered exhaustive.

1. Chairman.

To become Trustee of the Group and ensure the Group is registered with the Civil Aviation Authority.
To update the CAA Trustee Grid in a timely fashion to reflect membership changes.
To Liaise closely with The Treasurer and the Technical Officer in all matters relating to the effective running of the Group.
To ensure compliance by all Members of the Group to the Group Constitution and Rules and Regulations.
To assess the suitability of potential new Members in keeping with the procedures as set out in SARM 2 Rules and Regulations.
To maintain and improve Group Operating Procedures and the Group website.
To negotiate and arrange the annual aircraft insurance renewal.
To administer e-Allocator functions e.g. updating new member details, passwords etc.
To keep members informed primarily via e-Allocator of any changes, issues, actions etc as required.
To ensure that the essential documentation held in the Group’s aircraft is up to date.
To represent the Group when dealing with external bodies.
To arrange dates and venues for the Group’s Annual General Meetings or Extraordinary General Meetings and be responsible for the chairing and issuing of minutes of these meetings.

2. Treasurer.

To maintain accurate records of all monetary transactions pertaining to Group income or expenditure.
To compile and issue monthly flying Invoices to the membership in a timely fashion.
To monitor the prompt payment of all Member’s flying Invoices and monthly contributions.
To ensure that all payments to the Group’s suppliers are made in a timely fashion.
To liaise closely with the Chairman on all financial matters requiring his attention with particular emphasis on Share sales.
To act as custodian for the Group Bank Account.
To prepare and issue details of the Group’s accounts to Group Members prior to an AGM/EGM or as when reasonably requested.

3. Technical Officer.

To monitor the use of the Group aircraft and to schedule service or maintenance.
To make recommendations to the Chairman of the Group regarding a preferred service engineer or organisation.
To arrange servicing and maintenance through the Group’s preferred service engineer or organisation.
To assign service or maintenance to an alternative engineer or organisation to maintain access and serviceability of the Group’s aircraft, if the Group’s preferred service engineer or organisation is unavailable or unwilling to provide timely service.
To inform the Group via e-allocator of any flying restrictions placed upon the aircraft due to the serviceability of the aircraft.
To assign time using e-allocator for service or maintenance intervals or for check flights to revalidate the Group aircraft’s Permit to Fly.
To monitor the use of consumable items purchased by the Group for the maintenance and operation of the aircraft.
To monitor the serviceability of other items purchased by the Group and arrange maintenance or replacement as deemed necessary.
To make purchases as deemed necessary for the safe operation of the Group’s aircraft.
To make recommendations to the Chairman of the Group for the purchase of technical assets not already in use by the Group.
To make recommendations to the Chairman of the Group for additional measures to safeguard the assets of the Group.
To request information from any Group Member regarding the operation and use of the Group’s assets.

​6. Annual General Meetings

1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held within 28 days of the end of each financial year at which meeting the reports of the Committee members and the accounts of the Group shall be presented.

​2. An agenda, a summary of the accounts and any documents for consideration shall be sent to all Members within 28 days of the date of the AGM.

​3. An AGM is defined as a meeting for which notice has been given to all Members a reasonable time ahead of the sug​ested meeting date but not less than twenty-eight days and for which a reasonable venue has been arranged.

​7. Extraordinary General Meetings.

An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by two or more Members at any time allowing the Chairman not less than 28 days to make suitable meeting arrangements.

​8. Changes to The Constitution

The procedure for Changes to The Constitution shall be as for SARM 2 Section 11 Voting and Decision-making.

​​9. Disbandment

1. In the event of the Group being disbanded all Assets shall be realised and following the payment of all outstanding Group debts all monies will be divided equally between the Members at that time.

2. The procedure for disbandment shall be as for SARM 2 Section 11 Voting and Decision-making para. 1.

​10. Currency

This This document and the contents herein supersede all previous documents relating to The SARM Group Constitution


​​​SARM 2: ​Rules and Regulations of The SARM Group

​​1. Persons Permitted to Fly

1. Only Members and a number of named accredited flying instructors specifically appointed by the Committee to act as training/check pilots may act as Pilot in Command. Such pilots will be notified to the Group’s Insurers.

2. A Member may carry a passenger at his/her discretion in accordance with CAA CAP804 but the passenger may not fly or take the controls of the aircraft.​

​2. Share Valuation

1 In the event of a Member being expelled from The Group or in the event of a share(s) in The Group assets being offered to the Group by a resigning Member or the family of a deceased Member, the Committee shall decide the price at which The Group will offer to buy the share(s). The share price shall be based on the current value of The Group’s Assets.

2. In the event of failure to agree the share price reference may be made to a mutually acceptable and independent assessor.

​3. Sale of Share

1. Any Member wishing to sell a share shall give notice to the Chairman by e-mail and to the Group via e-Allocator. The Seller has the responsibility for finding a Buyer for that share.

2. The sale of any share in the Group’s Assets is subject to the Buyer complying with the rules as set out in this Section.

3. The Buyer agrees to acknowledge all correspondence received from any Officer of the Group whether it be electronic or otherwise such acknowledgement to be made by e-mail immediately upon receipt of said correspondence.

4. Notwithstanding para 6 below monies should not be exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller of the share until the Chairman has issued the prospective new Member with a copy of SARM 1 Constitution of the SARM Group (Constitution) and SARM 2 Rules and Regulations of the SARM Group (Rules and Regulations)

5. The Buyer will be asked to complete Appendix 1 Part 1 of the Rules and Regulations and return it duly completed to the Chairman for review. Upon receipt the Chairman will either accept or reject their declaration at this stage.

6. The sale of a share between two existing Members shall be entirely between the two Members. The seller shall advise the Chairman who shall advise the Treasurer in order to ensure that there are no monies owed to the Group by the seller.

7. Where the prospective Member is deemed acceptable by the Chairman, the Chairman will advise all Members by e-mail of the potential sale and will publish details of the prospective Member on e-Allocator for review and comment by the Group Members if required. Members will have five days to respond with any concerns, such concerns to be posted on the Notices pages of e-Allocator for viewing/consideration by all members. The absence of any response from a Member within the aforementioned timescale will be deemed as agreement to proceed.

8. The Group shall not act unreasonably in considering proposed Members: as a general guidance, the following will preclude membership of The Group :

Any pilot who has had more than one accident attributable to his/her error in the last ten years.
Any pilot who has been evicted from another group.
Any evidence of previous misconduct or failure to comply with airworthiness/regulatory requirements.

9. Any pilot who has an accident attributable to him/her outside the period defined by The Group’s insurers may be considered eligible subject to a review of the circumstances surrounding the accident

10. If the prospective Member is deemed acceptable at this stage, the Chairman will advise him/her to obtain sign-off of SARM 2 Appendix 3 of the Rules and Regulations by a representative of Airbourne Aviation Ltd such sign-off must include as a minimum the completion of a return flight to an airfield designated by Airbourne Aviation Ltd, all costs to be met by the prospective member.

11. Once sign-off of SARM 2 Appendix 3 of the Rules and Regulations by Airbourne Aviation Ltd has been obtained, the prospective Member shall send it to the Chairman who shall advise the Treasurer of the change of share ownership at which point the Treasurer shall advise the Chairman of any monies outstanding from the resigning member.

12. Where no monies are outstanding, the new Member may pay the resigning member directly.

13. Where there are monies outstanding, the new member shall be instructed to pay the agreed price directly into The Group’s bank account by BACS whereupon, the Treasurer shall pay that amount less any monies owed to the Group, to the resigning member.

14. The resigning member shall send his/her Share Certificate directly to the Chairman for re-issue to the new member.

15. The Chairman shall validate the change of share ownership on the Share Certificate and shall arrange for the transfer of the Share Certificate to the new Member.

16. The Chairman will arrange access for the new Member on e-allocator.

17. The Chairman will arrange a meeting with the new Member prior to the Member’s first flight in the Group’s aircraft to ensure that the correct information with regards to operational practices, contacts, e-allocator booking etc. is given to and understood by the new Member.

4. Share Certificate

1. Each Member will receive a Share Certificate indicating the proportion of Group assets owned by him/her.

2. A copy is to kept by the Chairman.

3. Nothing less than one full share may be sold.

​5. Aircraft Cleaning Roster

1. An aircraft cleaning roster shall be issued to all Members indicating the month(s) in which they will be required to clean the aircraft in accordance with the Recommended Cleaning Procedure for G-CJIT which may be found in the Aircraft.

2. All Members shall be allocated one cleaning period per share owned within a twenty-month span e.g. one share equates to one clean within that 20 month period, three shares would equate to three cleans within that same period.

3. The Aircraft should be cleaned in the first week of the month.

​6. Suspension and Expulsion

1. The Committee may summarily suspend a Member’s right to act as Pilot in Command Co-pilot or passenger if that Member’s conduct has been or is likely to be deemed by the Committee to be detrimental to the interests of the Group such reasons to be given in writing to all Members within one week of that decision being taken.

​2. Any Member so suspended shall have the right of appeal at the next AGM or EGM which shall be held within twenty-eight days of the suspension being enforced.

3. An appeal will be decided by a vote of all Members present. If the suspension is for a limited period the Member shall continue to pay the monthly subscription for the period of that suspension.

4. In the event that the Member is expelled from the Group, the Chairman shall confirm to the expelled Member the price at which the Group shall offer to buy the Member’s share in accordance with SARM 2 Clause 2 Share Valuation as soon as is financially practical bearing in mind that the interests of the Group will take precedence over the interests of the expelled Member. Following acceptance of the Group’s offer from the expelled Member in writing, payment for the share(s) will be made within six months of receipt of the acceptance.

5. The expelled Member does not forfeit the right to sell his/her share in accordance with SARM 2 Clause 3 Sale of Share.

7. Liability

1.The use of the Aircraft shall be at the risk of the Member acting as Pilot in Command.

2. All members hereby undertake that they will not knowingly do or cause to be done any act that would invalidate the Group’s insurance. Members and their representatives will make no claim or proceedings against the Group or any individual Member for any act or omission or defect in respect of the condition of any part of the Group’s Assets.

8. Insurance

1. The Group shall provide adequate insurance cover for the Aircraft and the operation thereof.

2. Any Member who is identified by The Group’s insurers as a special risk shall be required to bear any resultant additional premium.

3. In the event of an insurance claim being made the Member in charge of the Aircraft at the time of the incident warranting the claim shall be responsible for paying the current policy excess.

4. Where no fault lies with the Member, the Member has the right to approach the Committee with the request that the excess should be settled by The Group. The Committee will review the cause(s) and will uphold the request where it considers no fault lies with the Member.

5. In the case of damage caused to the Group’s Assets by third parties whether or not they are insured whilst the Assets are not under the direct control of a Group Member such examples being but not limited to hangar damage, damage whilst parked outside the hangar or on the apron at any airfield which leads ultimately to a cost to The Group then that cost shall be borne by The Group.

​9. Subscriptions, Flying Charges and and the Maintenance of Group Accounts.

1. It is a condition of membership that Subscriptions shall be paid monthly by standing order (preferably on the 1st of each month) and that Flying Charges should be paid by Bank Transfer with one week of issue.

2. If payment of either amount is not made within one month of its due date then the Member responsible for non-payment shall have their booking rights withdrawn by the Chairman and shall not be reinstated until payment of all monies owed has been made.

3. Where repeated non-payments occur the Member may face expulsion from the Group in accordance with SARM 2 Clause 6 Suspension and Expulsion.

4. Subscriptions will be based on predicted expenditure but in any event shall represent the most economical costing.

5. Flying Charges will be reviewed periodically by the Committee and will be based on the predicted costs directly incurred through flying.

​6. An adequate reserve is to be accumulated for contingencies.

7. Properly kept accounts are to be made available by the Treasurer at reasonable notice for inspection by Members.

8. The Group’s accounts must be audited prior to an AGM by two non-committee members in conjunction with the Treasurer at a mutually acceptable venue and time.

​10. Cash Levies

1. In accordance with Clause 12 Voting and Decision-making herein, in exceptional circumstances a cash levy may be raised equally on all Members.

2. Failure to pay an agreed Cash levy within three months may result in the withdrawal of flying privileges.

​11. Drawing Rights on The Group Bank Account.

1. The Chairman, the Treasurer and the Technical Officer will each be allocated a Debit Card on the Group’s Bank Account with which either shall be authorised to purchase items required by the Group.

2. All such purchases will only be recognised as legitimate when accompanied by a corresponding receipt which will be forwarded to the Treasurer for his/her records.

​12. Voting and Decision-making

1. Alterations to the Constitution or the Rules and Regulations of The SARM Group shall only be made at the request of two or more Members.

2. All proposed alterations shall be sent to The Group Chairman who will categorise the proposal as Major or Minor.

3. Major changes shall be considered at an AGM or EGM and shall require the approval of a two thirds majority of all Members (including abstentions and proxy votes) for the acceptance of the change.

4. Minor changes may be considered using e-Allocator to communicate the proposal(s) for which a period of twenty-eight days will be allowed for voting and which will be accepted by a majority vote (after counting abstentions and nil responses)

5. The Chairman will confirm the results accordingly when the votes are complete.

6. A proposal to raise a Cash Levy may only be made at an AGM or EGM and shall be approved by a two thirds majority of all Members.

​13. Compliance with Regulations.

1. All Members of the SARM Group must comply with Local and National Laws and Regulations and Airfield Regulations as well as the Rules and Regulations of The Sarm Group and the Operational Procedures as defined in SARM 3,4 and 6.

2. All Members shall have a valid and current Pilot’s Licence with a valid and current Microlight Aeroplanes rating (or EASA PPL equivalent) enabling them to legally fly the Aircraft, a valid and current Medical Certificate or Medical Declaration and a valid and current Radio Telephony Licence.

3. Members are required to provide details of their licences, ratings and medical certificates/declarations (types, serial numbers, and expiry dates) when requested by the Chairman.

4. Any member who refuses to comply or does not satisfactorily comply with such request will have their booking rights suspended and may be liable to expulsion from the Group.

5. Any member who has licences listed in Clause 13 para 2 herein that have expired will have their booking rights suspended and will be required to provide formal evidence of compliance before they can fly the Aircraft.

6. The Group Aircraft may not be used by Members for the following:

a. The teaching or instruction of flying apart from such teaching and instruction given by Instructors from Airsport UK for the training and check flights of Group Members and not in any event for the initial training of unlicensed pilots.
b. Any kind of commercial activity e.g, photography, display flights, aircraft experience flights etc. Paid activity does not preclude the reasonable sharing of flight expenses.

7. All members who fly as Pilot in Command are duty bound to ensure that the all-up weight of the Aircraft is within the Maximum limit of 472.5kgs.

8. The fuel/cockpit weight permutations are specified on the Fuel Limitations Placard located on the Aircraft dashboard

9 Any Member found to be flying as Pilot in Command with an overweight Aircraft may have their booking rights suspended or may be expelled from the Group.

10. Any Member who has not flown any aircraft within the preceding 90 days must arrange a check flight with an instructor at the Member's own expense following which they will only be allowed to fly solo until they have completed three take-offs and landings as Pilot in Command. All Members must comply with CAA CAP804 as it applies to their UK or EASA Licences before carrying any passengers.

14. Currency

This document and the contents herein supersede all previous Rules and Regulations.

APPENDIX 1: ​​​New Member Declaration

All member must complete this form to confirm their adherence to the SARM Group Rules

All member must complete this form to confirm their experience, licence details and BMAA & Spitfire Flying Club (SFC) membership.

​APPENDIX 2:​ Check Flight Procedure.

The procedure detailed below shall be adopted by any prospective Buyer of a share in the Group aircraft.

1. The check flight shall be made with a flying instructor from Airbourne Aviation Ltd as Pilot in Command in the school's aircraft.

2. All costs for the check flight are to be borne by the prospective Buyer.

APPENDIX 3: ​Sign-off by Airbourne Aviation Ltd (to be returned by the Buyer to the SARM Group Chairman).

All member must complete this form to confirm they have been signed off competent by a C42 Instructor at Airbourne Aviation Ltd.

SARM 3: SARM Group Booking Rules and Procedures

​1.0 General

1.1 All aircraft bookings are to be made using the e-allocator booking system. Each member will be given a username and password to enable them to log on to e-allocator.

1.2 The system contains three main sections:Notice board : for publishing information relevant to the safe operation of the aircraft and it's members, Messages: for publishing individual messages to members on any topic, and Bookings: for booking of flying sessions for members. The member simply opens e-allocator then enters their unique username and password to enter the site and use the three features listed

1.3 The Group encourages members to detail their telephone contact number on their booking name (this is done through the configuration tab) to facilitate expedient personal contact if required.

2.0 Entitlements

2.1 Each member may book up to 4 sessions in advance per calendar month. If they subsequently cancel any of those bookings for the current month then those sessions will be deemed to have been used and the member will not permitted to re-book them except under the ‘24 hour rule’, clause 2.3, or serviceability issues, clause 2.4

For clarification, a session is defined as all, or any part of :

​09.00 - 14.00 or 14.00 to 19.00 for summer BST

​09.00 - 13.00 or 13.00 - 16.50 for winter GMT

Additional slots which will not form part of your allocation are:

08.00 - 9.00 and 19.00 - 20.00 for summer BST

08.00 - 09.00 winter GMT ​​​

2.2 No more than two sessions can be booked at the weekend in any calendar month

2.3 The ‘24 hour rule’ states that any unbooked sessions on any day may be booked after midnight on the previous day by any member whether he or she has already booked the adjacent session without detriment to their monthly quota.

2.4 If a session or part of a session is lost due to serviceability or maintenance problems with the aircraft, then the member may re-book a substitute session during the calendar month the lost session occurred. Re-bookings cannot be carried over into the following month.

2.5 The booking of 'same-day repeat' bookings beyond the month in which the booking is made is NOT permitted. repeat bookings are defined as being bookings made for the same time and the same day on a repeat basis.​

3.0 Rules

3.1 SARM group bookings are monitored for compliance and the booking coordinator will contract or request a shareholder to delete or change a booking which does not comply or is at variance with the co-operative spirit of the group.

3.2 Failure to amend bookings, persistent disregard of booking procedures or non-response to requests for amendments may result in the suspension of a member’s booking rights until such time as that member agrees to comply with the procedures. Repeated non-compliance may result in the expulsion of the member.

​SARM 4: ​​Information for the operators of The Group’s Aircraft at Popham Airfield

​1.0 Assessing aircraft prior to use

1.1 As a priority and prior to your pre-flight check, ensure that the DEFECTS column on the White Flying Log Sheet is checked for any references or entries on the RED and GREEN DEFECT SHEETS.

1.2 The GREEN DEFECT SHEETS (Acceptable Deferred Defect Sheets) are to be used when a minor defect is identified that does not constitute a hazard or flight safety issue.

1.3 If the defect is considered to be a hazard or flight safety issue, then the RED DEFECT SHEETS (Non-acceptable Deferred Defect Sheets) are to be used. The use of RED DEFECT SHEETS will automatically ground the aircraft until the aircraft is signed off as cleared to fly by the Technical Officer, Maintenance Engineer or Chairman.

1.4 In either case, the defect is to be notified to the Technical Officer (copying the Chairman), who will take the appropriate corrective action. In the case of uncertainty regarding the potential hazard or if the defect grounds the aircraft then the reporting pilot is requested to leave the “Do Not Fly” signage held in the document pouch on the instrument panel/control column.

1.5 Follow the aircraft checklist held in the aircraft at all times. If you do find a potential defect and are unsure of its significance, do not fly the aircraft until guidance has been sought from the Group’s Technical Officer, the Group’s Chairman or a flying instructor at the airfield.

1.6 Follow the oil checking procedures herald within the aircraft and in Sarm 6

1.7 In order to prevent the incorrect re-fitting of the coolant cap following the checking of the coolant level IT IS MANDATORY that the engine cowling is removed completely for this action to take place.

1.8 Moving the aircraft by hand from the rear is either carried out by placing one’s hands at the upper part of the rear elevator/fin strut and pushing and pulling as required. Do not place your hands in the middle of the strut.

1.9 For details on the use of the winch to pull the aircraft into the hangar please see SARM 9.

1.10 Under no circumstances should a wing be lifted at the winglet at the end of each wing. The winglets are riveted to the wing tube and any load applied by lifting may compromise the joint.

2.0 Coolant and OIL Temperature Monitoring Procedures

2.1 As in para 1.7 above, always remove the upper engine cowling to inspect the engine thoroughly during initial pre-flight inspection. When cold, the overflow bottle should have about a ¼ inch of coolant visible. If there is coolant visible it should not be necessary to remove the pressure cap as the system will be full due to the overflow in the bottle. If you feel you need to remove the cap it is VITAL that you replace it properly and not at an angle.

Do not remove the cap if the engine is hot.

2.2 If the overflow bottle is empty, check for any pink coolant marks spattered over the engine….. if any marks are found , advise the Group’s Technical Officer immediately. Do not fly the aircraft unless the Technical Officer has approved the flight. Follow section 1 Assessing the Aircraft Prior to Use (above) and complete the necessary documentation.

2.3 If there are no coolant marks, remove the pressure cap and inspect the levels. If a top up is required, fill the main reservoir with the coolant kept in the hangar cabinet followed by a small amount (1/4inch) in the overflow bottle.

2.4 When flying, it is ok for the coolant temperature to be running a little low: at the top of the white arc or just in the green is acceptable. If the temps do increase, e.g. due to a long climb, try to keep coolant below 110 degrees. If temps do exceed this, it is not critical in the short term, but you may get some coolant overflow.

2.5 If the ambient temperature exceeds 25 degrees, you may need to remove the coolant radiator blanking plate from the coolant radiator (the lower of the two radiators).

2.6 There are a number of different sized blanking plates in the net pocket in the passenger door. Clearly the cooler the ambient temperature is, the larger the radiator blanks will need to be. There are no fixed guidelines for when to change to a larger or smaller radiator blank; this decision is down to the PIC on the day.

Please note that the oil cooler radiator blanks and the coolant radiator blanks are of differing shapes. Please use accordingly.

2.7 Do not remove the straps that hold the blanking plates in place

3.0 Aircraft log entries

3.1 It is essential that accurate log entries are made by each pilot and to this end it is advisable that all entries are are checked and double checked prior to these being entered in the Flying Log.

3.2. If a pilot identifies an error made by an earlier Member, particularly in the instance of Hobbs readings, then it should be  orrected where possible and the correction initialled.

3.3 Both Logbook entries and Hobb’s Meter entries formulate the basis of the Group’s aircraft logbook sheets and therefore accuracy is paramount.

3.4 Timings for Flying Log entries are from brakes off to brakes on and will provide the trip time. Timings for PAYMENT purposes are the actual Hobbs Readings.

4.0 Leaving the aircraft

4.1 Before you park the aircraft in the hangar that the aircraft should be left in a clean and tidy condition and that any build up of flies on the leading edges of the aircraft, around the cowling, on the wheel spats and the struts are washed off after you have flown.

4.2 Do not wash the aircraft in hangar, there is hard standing near the entrance to the November Taxiway that we are allowed to use for this purpose.

4.3 Once the aircraft is hangared, leave the parking brake in the off position and ensure that the wheel chocks are placed on the main wheels.

4.4 Ensure that that hangar doors are tightened sufficiently to prevent undue flapping of the door sections.

Remember: Please leave the aircraft as you would wish to find it.

​​​SARM 5: Flying Log Sheets

5.1 Current and blank flying log sheets can be found in the Aircraft Document Folder which is located in the aircraft.

5.2 If your log sheet entry is the last entry on the Flying Log Sheet then you must start a new log sheet numbering it​
​ sequentially, noting the month the log sheet applies to and carrying over the Hobbs reading.

5.3 All flights must be entered individually and detailed accordingly. Do not enter a single total for multiple flights.
​​​5.4 If flying circuits, the number of landings must be specified for Log Book entry purposes. ​ ​​​

SARM 6: ​​​Engine Oil Checking and Start Procedure

1.0 Oil Checking

1.1 Remove the oil cover from the cowling and remove the cap from the oil tank.

1.2 Ensure the master switch is OFF, and standing behind the propellor on the starboard starboard side, turn the propeller SLOWLY by hand in a clockwise direction. Keep turning until a gurgling noise is heard. Stop turning and pause and then continue turning until a second gurgle is heard.

1.3 Remove the dipstick, wipe it clean and then push it right down into the oil tank. Remove the dipstick again and check the oil mark in relation to the Min/Max mark as follows:

For a cold or hot engine, the oil should be between the minimum and midpoint levels. Only ever add oil if the level is below the minimum mark.

1.4 Only use the high quality oil kept in the locker in the hangar and never fill above the midway mark. Better to add in small quantities, leave for 30 seconds and recheck.

​2.0 Engine starting

2.1 Starting from starting from cold on a cold day

2.1.1 Ensure that both magneto switches are off and that the throttle fully is closed. Apply full choke and ensure that the fuel pump is on.

2.1.2 Turn the engine over for 5-7 seconds and check that the oil pressure gauge needle reaches the green zone.

2.1.3 Wait for around 10 seconds then turn both magnetos on, ensure the throttle and choke is closed, ensure brake is on, ensure all clear around the propellor and aircraft. If clear, shout “Clear Prop.” and press the starter button. If the engine refuses to start, repeat the process.

2.1.4 On a very cold day it may help to hold the choke open a little. Be prepared to open the throttle slightly when the engine fires and gradually close the choke as required.

2.1.5 Note that the aircraft has a soft start module which retards the ignition timing after the engine has started for approximately 5 seconds. During this period, the engine will sound rough or lumpy; this is normal. Once normal ignition timing resumes, the engine will run smoothly and the revs will pick up. Warm the engine up at 2500rpm until all gauges for temperatures and pressures are ok.

2.2 Starting from cold on a warm or a hot day.

2.2.1 As per 2.1.1 to 2.1.4 above then :

2.2.2 Open the throttle to just off the stop position with the choke closed and turn the engine over to start. Again, be ready to open the throttle slightly when the engine fires.

2.2.3 Warm the engine up at 2000rpm until all gauges for temperature and pressure are ok.

2.3 Starting with a warm engine.

2.3.1 As per 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 above but ensure that the oil pressure is in the green within seconds before continuing to run.

SARM 7: Aircraft Refuelling Procedure

7.1 Pilots should only use E5 rated Super-Unleaded mogas , AVGAS or UL 91. The use of UL 91 during the summer months is particularly encouraged as this fuel is designed to
reduce vapour lock.

7.2 In order to avoid Ethanol related damage to the engine and fuel lines under no circumstances is E10 rated fuel to be used.

7.3 If you should refuel with AVGAS or preferably UL91, please ensure that the letters A or UL 91 and the amount of uplift is annotated on the Flying Log Sheets.

​​​SARM 8: ​​CJIT Flying Slots at Popham Airfield

N.B. Flying outside the following times is expressly forbidden without advance permission being granted by the Airfield Manager

08.00 - 09.00 (not part of monthly allocation)

09.00 - 14.00 (allocation)

14.00 - 19.00 (allocation)

19.00 - 20.00 (not part of monthly allocation)


08.00 - 09.00 (not part of monthly allocation)

09.00 - 13.00 (allocation)

13.00 - 16.50 (allocation)

​​​SARM 9: Tow-bar and Winch Operating Procedures

It is recommended that where possible, parking the aircraft in the hangar should be accomplished without recourse to using the tow-bar or the winch.
Where the use of the tow-bar and winch is deemed necessary, and to prevent improper or accidental damage to the nose wheel of the aircraft, the following procedures must be STRICTLY adhered to, particularly in respect of the releasing of the aircraft handbrake before winching the aircraft into the hangar.
1. Position the aircraft approximately two metres from the outside edge of the hangar carpet. Place wooden chock BEHIND one of the main wheels and RELEASE THE AIRCRAFT HANDBRAKE.

2. Carefully attach the tow-bar to the nose wheel eyelets taking care not to damage the spat in the process.

3. Release the locking trigger on the winch (see pic 3), fully extend the cable and attach the carabiner to the eyelet on the handle of the tow bar (see pic 4).

4. First ensuring that the aircraft handbrake is OFF, start to winch the aircraft in. Pic 5 will give you a good idea of the positioning of the aircraft prior to attaching to the winch.

5. Cease winching as soon as the main wheels meet the floor carpet (see pic 6).

6. Without rewinding it, lay the cable and the tow-bar at the rear left-hand side of the hangar, ensuring that neither is touching the walls. (pic 7 is an example pic. with the tow-bar leant against the steelwork, not laid on the floor as it should be.)

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

​​​SARM 10: Electronic Conspicuity Devices Operating Procedures

Our aircraft is equipped with two E/C devices, namely SkyEcho II (to be seen by conflicting traffic) and PilotAware (to see conflicting traffic) and the following information will enable you to access both systems using the SkyDemon navigational software. For other navigational software systems you will have to connect SkyEcho II as per their instructions.

Please note that the traffic information received on these devices is to be used purely as an aid to situational awareness and is only supplementary and advisory in nature and does not replace your obligation as P1 to maintain a visual look-out.

1. SkyEcho II with SkyDemon

1.1. General
It was agreed that the SkyEcho II can be left in situ in the aircraft at all times but switched off at the unit and unplugged from the charging point in the coaming when not in use.

1.2. Pre-Flight
Insert the USB charger in the aux power socket in the coaming.

After engine start-up, press and hold the power button for approximately three seconds to power up.

If you wish to use the SkyEcho II as your primary E/C device then connect to it as per your navigation software instructions. It may take a minute or two for your device to find the SkyEcho II wifi network.

If using SkyDemon, enter the SkyDemon settings menu on your navigational device, access the ‘Third Party Devices’ menu and select the ‘uAvionix SkyEcho II’ option.

When you tap ‘Go Flying’, there will be two options, select ‘Use uAvionics SkyEcho II’.

If you wish to receive audio alerts, check with your device instructions on how to receive audio alerts but if you are using SkyDemon, access ‘Settings Menu’, and then the ‘Navigation Options'. Enable ‘Produce Speech for Warnings’ and select the warning types you wish to be notified about and set the criteria for each one accordingly, then in ‘Other Traffic Options’, enable ‘Verbal Traffic Information’ and any other options and filters as per your preference.

To hear the verbal warnings, connect the cable immediately to the left of the centre console in
the aircraft to the audio socket of your device. Audio volume is controlled by the volume control
on your device.


1.3. Post-Flight.

Switch the unit off at the device, unplug the USB charger from the Aux Power Socket and LOCK THE AIRCRAFT DOORS before you close up the hangar.

2. PilotAware with SkyDemon

2.1. General

The PilotAware device is hard-wired into the aircraft and requires no fitting prior to use and to avoid clutter, has been set so that it does not transmit your position until a speed of 10 knots has been attained.

Vertical separation has been set at +- 2000 feet and the horizontal separation to ‘medium’.

We can review this as and when it appears necessary.

The device is activated by a clearly marked switch on the panel but, as with SkyEcho II, the radio and the transponder, it should not be activated until after engine start-up.

It is assumed that you already have SkyDemon powered up on your navigational device

After engine start, switch the PilotAware device on; the device will start transmitting a WiFi signal after approximately 30 seconds.

Go to ‘Settings’ on your navigational device:and access Wi-Fi or WLAN settings where you should see ‘PAW-CJIT. Click on this item and ignore the ‘No internet Connection’ message.

Return to the SkyDemon screen and enter the ‘Settings’ menu, access the ‘Third Party Devices’ menu (these are devices you can use when you press ‘Go Flying’ instead of the built-in Location Service your device provides) and select ‘PilotAware’.

Return to the SkyDemon screen again and tap ‘Go Flying’. There will be two options, ’Use Location services’ and ‘Use PilotAware’. Select ‘PilotAware', if your settings are correct your device will connect to PilotAware and the normal screen view will appear.

For more detail look up

2.3 Post-Flight.

Simply switch off at the PilotAware switch on the panel.

N.B. every time you switch off PilotAware, you will need to re-connect as above.

SARM 11: The SARM Group - Personal Data Management Notice

The purpose of this notice is to advise Members of The Sarm Group (Group) of the format in which their personal information data is held by the Group, why that data is held, what is held, who has access to that data and the safeguards in place to secure that data.

N.B. The signing of and acceptance of SARM 2, Rules and Regulations implies acceptance by each Member of the Group’s use of your personal data.

The Group holds personal information in electronic and paper formats.

Principal Databases

Electronic Databases

Electronic databases are held by the Chairman and the Treasurer of the Group to store information about each member in order to effect proper management of the Group’s interests.

Paper Databases

Some documents are received and held by the Chairman or are issued and copies held by the Chairman as paper documents e.g. completed of appendices 1&2 of SARM 2 - Rules and Regulations, share certificates, Group membership details for CAA or insurance purposes.

Why data is held?
Personal records of all members of the Group are held solely for administrative purposes and compliance with the law relating to Associations and Aircraft Syndicates.

Information held is also needed for the processing of other tasks directly related to the running of the Group.

What data is held?

The table below details the personal information held in the databases of the Group.

The information has all been provided by the Group members.

  • Name For identification and operational purposes.
  • Postal address For contact and membership analytical/operating purposes.
  • Telephone/e-mail address For contact and operational purposes.
  • Membership payment data To record fees and amounts paid.
  • Bank details To facilitate share transfer monies.
  • Date of Birth To confirm age where there may be operating/insurance issues

How long is data held for?

Group membership data is not normally held for more than one year after membership has lapsed.

Access to information

The Group does not sell any information and only shares information as detailed in Why data is held.

Data Safeguards

The Group only requests sufficient personal data to be able to identify an individual for the purposes outlined in Why data is held.

Only the Chairman and Treasurer receive data and are responsible for storage and destruction as appropriate.


The FFRA is not accountable for personal data entered by Members and shown openly on e-mails and other forms of communication.